You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I graduated from law school and wound up with  whopping $47,000 in student loan debt.  The common belief is lawyers have no problem earning a really great living practically the month after they get their law degrees.  Well,...
You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

State of the Debt Address 2018

My fellow Americans, it’s June and 2018 is nearly half over.  It’s a great time to take stock of where your personal finances are and check in on your financial goals.  Here at, I can tell you we’ve been watching old financial issues...
NCVTV June 2017 Money Management Highlights!

NCVTV June 2017 Money Management Highlights!

Since graduation season is still in full swing for the month of June, all of the June NCVTV episodes covered the topic of student loans.  We talk about everything from helping your young person start off on the right foot by establishing good money habits to possible...
NCVTV May 2017 Money Management Highlights!

NCVTV May 2017 Money Management Highlights!

May’s NCVTV episodes started out with one of the most important, yet rarely included, topics in personal finance and that is gratitude.  I can’t stress enough how important gratitude is to successful money management.  After that, we shift gears into...