A must have guide for parents of high school graduates who are taking out student loans. Don’t fall into the student loan debt trap of “you don’t know what you don’t know.” Save yourself money and read this guide before signing on the dotted line!
Joy Alford-Brand is a published author sharing her money management expertise, wit and humor with readers. You can purchase her first book, Money Basics: Keeping It and Growing It. What I Learned About Money as a Bankruptcy Attorney as an ebook or in paperback.
Money Basics, Keeping it and Growing it: What I Learned About Money as a Bankruptcy Attorney
Joy shares her expertise as a bankruptcy attorney and money management advocate to help readers dig out of a mountain of bills, save more money and boost their credit scores. By following the principles in Money Basics, readers will be able to manage their money more effectively. This book provides information on everything from budgeting and investing to debt and credit management.
An excerpt from Joy Alford-Brand’s Money Basics:
“You know, thinking about ways to save money without actually knowing what you are spending is like trying to lose weight without ever having stepped on a scale. Have you ever known you’ve gained weight, but been afraid to step on a scale to see how much? How do you know you’ve gained weight? Because your Spanx have gotten really tight or your favorite jeans are starting to reveal more than you are comfortable with. Do you follow? You know you’ve gained weight but you have no idea how much and so, even though you know you need to lose weight or save money, you don’t know how many calories are in that seemingly low-cal yogurt or how much money you really spent at TJ Maxx! I call this, “The Spanx Method.” People use it for dieting AND budgeting. You know you need to cut back on the pumpkin spice lattes when your Spanx and your bank account are stretched so tight they’re see through!”
If you are trying to connect with your loved ones but they might need a little help using their technology, this guide can help. Designed with seniors in mind, the large print guide is something they can hold in their hands and refer to whenever they need help connecting to group calls or just making calls on their own. You can order it and have it shipped directly to them buy clicking on the button below!