Why It Physically Hurts To Be Poor
More than once, I’ve been asked why I started newcashview.com. I’ve written about it a little before, trying to explain my belief in, and understanding of, just how painful and devastating money problems can be. Well, now I have scientific proof that shows what I’ve known to be true for years. It physically hurts to be poor. To back that statement up, I’ve included a link to an article published on the Harvard Business Review website earlier this year. You can access the article by clicking here. That article shows conclusive proof of the causal link between poverty and actual, physical pain.
Having practiced bankruptcy law for years, I am all too familiar with the physical realities that people with money problems face. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had people sit across the table from me and tell me how they haven’t slept in years or how physically ill they’ve become as their finances deteriorated. How their marriages have fallen apart and how their children have started having problems in school once the money stopped coming in. I’ve seen it, and I’ve lived it, too.
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My family never had enough money when I was growing up. As a kid, I suffered from the pain of want and the constant fear of the future. We call that “economic insecurity.” That’s a fancy way of saying you don’t know where the next paycheck is coming from or whether or not you’re going to be able to pay the rent. Everyone in our family suffered from it in some way, shape or form. Luckily, most of us were able to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, with hard work and perseverance, but not everyone can do that. Sadly, being poor is a pain that eventually you can become accustomed to, though you are always trying to escape it. For some however, it can be too much to bear. Ultimately, I know it was one of the factors that led to my parents getting divorced, not before they filed bankruptcy of course!
As the income gap has widened in the last two decades, it’s gotten harder and harder for the 99% to survive. I’ve seen it get progressively worse, particularly since the 2008 recession. When that hit, I worried for all those kids out there who were about to face the same fears I did for years. Knowing what I know about money management and what drives people to file for bankruptcy, this article is absolutely no surprise to me. Not even a little bit. I am thankful that there is finally some people out there with a bunch of letters after their names who are taking it seriously and studying the causal link between poverty and pain (which equals an opiate epidemic, see where I’m headed with this?).
It boils down to this, people who are in pain will look for a way to soothe it, whether the pain is psychological or physical, like a broken leg. Now they are finding that actual physical pain can result from economic insecurity. There are documented studies that prove it. All I have to say about that is… well, duh! I could’ve told you that years ago!
Great, now we have this information, what do we do with it? Well, that’s why I started newcashview.com. To create materials that teach basic, simple, no-fuss, easy to understand money management skills in a fun (yes, I said fun), and entertaining way so people can get their finances under control and SUFFER LESS! My goal is to help people live happier, more peaceful and pain free lives! It’s as simple as that.
A huge component of money management is getting into the right mindset about money, which is not always easy. If you dig a little more about the physical manifestation of psychological pain, you’ll begin to see what I mean. We’ve known for years how dangerous stress can be and the same is true for money problems. Straightening out your mindset can be like climbing Mt. Everest. A nearly impossible task. I know a thing or two about that and I’m certain that the only thing that saved me is the love I have for my family and the love they had for me. There was no one out there talking about money mindsets, awareness and how to spend in a mindful way back when I was a kid. I mean to fill that void here at newcashview.com.
I believe we can get on top of this epidemic. In fact, I know we can. You see, at the end of the day, I always had hope. No matter how bad things got, I watched my parents continue to try get ahead, even in the face of financial obstacle after obstacle. They kept the hope that things would get better if they just kept trying, regardless of the outcome. That’s one skill they taught me well. So, that’s what I did. I kept trying and eventually, I got there. I want to help you get there, too. Together, we can do it.
Keep the faith!
Joy Alford-Brand
Your Dollar Lama
P.S. Don’t forget to check out my YouTube channel and Facebook page for videos and more information about money management. Don’t forget to check out our online courses, books and resources, too! Investing in your money management education is an investment in yourself. That’s the best investment you’ll ever make, I guarantee it!
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